Thursday, December 17, 2015

First Issue of Tallow Eider Quarterly is Now Live

Visit TEQ online to view our first issue. We have some outstanding art and writing for you.

Black Geometry 2 - Teo Treloar

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

The First Undoing

Tallow Eider Quarterly is currently accepting submissions for the first winter issue, slated to be published in late December / early January. Submit your fiction, poetry, art, photography, reviews and articles.

Friday, October 30, 2015

New Online Literary Magazine

My friend and I have put together a new online magazine that will feature art, photography, poetry, fiction, essays and more. Visit Tallow Eider Quarterly to read about our submission guidelines. We look forward to seeing your work.

Friday, March 6, 2015

New Fiction Story

Excited to have a new fiction story published in Miscreant Magazine. It's a great issue, check it out. Read poems and stories by James Claffey, Bud Smith, Bill Yarrow and many other writers in previous issues also.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Two New Flash Fiction Stories

I'm very happy to have two pieces of flash fiction included in this month's issue of Connotation Press. It's exciting to be published alongside so many talented writers.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Mutant Neuron Codex Swarm

I'm very excited to have my first chapbook, Mutant Neuron Codex Swarm, published today by Hyacinth Girl Press. Thanks to Juliet Cook for collaborating with me, Christen Baer for her incredible artwork, and Margaret Bashaar for putting everything together. If you guys who would like a review copy, message me and I'll try to get one to you.